NI CompactRIO Controller

The cRIO-9054 is a rugged, deployable controller for data acquisition and control applications. It offers Intel Atom dual-core processing, an Artix-7 FPGA, and four slots for C Series modules. It runs the NI Linux Real-Time operating system with acc... Scopri di più

The cRIO-9053 is a rugged, deployable controller for data acquisition and control applications. It runs the NI Linux Real-Time operating system with access to the I/O through NI-DAQmx drivers or with the LabVIEW FPGA module. The controller provides ... Scopri di più

The cRIO-9057 is a rugged, deployable controller for data acquisition and control applications. It offers Intel Atom dual-core processing, an Artix-7 FPGA, and eight slots for C Series modules. It runs the NI Linux Real-Time operating system with ac... Scopri di più